Now seems like as good a time as any to share these images… It’s either spend some time blogging or finish my taxes. (Sorry Kevin) I also could really go for some warmer weather, and since vacationing is off the table at least for the time being, reminiscing on last summer will have to suffice.
It was always my intention to share these photos. (more than just the few I posted on Instagram) I just never really got around to it and it is a bit scary to share photos of myself in a swimsuit. BUT that was part of the deal I made with myself when I decided to book this shoot. Don’t let the photos just sit on your computer, share what they mean to me, and the why behind it. So here goes.
As mentioned, these were taken last summer. I had had this idea to get into a swimsuit and hire a photographer as a way to kind of say F off to getting older. My 35th birthday was approaching, I had been working really hard in the gym, and it just felt like the right time. I think its important to do the things that tug at your heart. The things that you dream up, and that don’t ever really leave your subconscious are the things you should grab hold of and make happen. Parading around in a swimsuit at a hip hotel was one of those things for me. (crazy as it sounds)
Since I shoot boudoir sessions, it was also good for me to put myself out there in this way. A good reminder that being in front of the camera is hard, but also can be really fun if you find the right photographer. To say I am pleased with the images is a understatement. I love them. I did my homework and chose a photographer whose style I thought would fit with my vision. I also thought she seemed like the type of person I would be comfortable with half naked and I was not wrong about that. Kelsey from A Balancing Peach was the perfect fit. I chose my dream location and cleared it with the RSVP Motel. I mean this place is a creative’s dream. It is so unique and the details are flawlessly executed. I also shopped for swimsuits that would fit the overall esthetic, and thought about the details I wanted to include. (sunglasses, shoes, one of my cameras, etc)
Looking back at these images is something that will always bring a smile to my face…and hopefully keep me motivated to workout from home while we get through this unusual time.
Links to the location and photographer below.