My baby is growing up...

by Whitney Bird in , ,

I am finally getting around to sharing Paxson's 9 month photos.  I have so many photos of Pax, but I hadn't taken any formal portraits of him in awhile so it was time.  This was a quick morning shoot, and only lasted about 15 minutes, but I am happy to have a few photos to hang on the wall.  

I can't believe how fast my little man is growing up.  It kills me how much he is starting to look less like a baby and more like a little boy.  I love seeing his little personality shine though in photos.  He is a thoughtful little guy, and will sit and play with his toys while I work or do housework.  He is content to play on his own, but loves when mom, dad or Penny join him.  He is very generous with his smiles and love, and he gives the sloppiest kisses.  He also loves to cuddle with me before naps and bed.  He lights up when daddy comes home, and his daddy always brings out the best belly laughs.  He finally has two teeth that just came in at 10 and half months, and I think his baby blues are here to stay.  His blonde hair is coming in thicker, and people are finally starting to think that he does in fact look a bit like me.  There is nothing funnier than when Penny sneezes, and her ball his one of his favorite toys.  He doesn't crawl, but he rolls, and scoots, and army crawls and does what Grandma K calls the "guppy."  

It is hard for me to believe that I hadn't even met him a year ago, and now he is my life.  Sometimes I need to just write these little things down so I don't forget them.  He changes so much in such a short time, and my hope is to have loads of photos of him that tell his life story, but I also want to have written words to share with him.  Luckily this blog helps me with that.  When I go to make his 1 year album, I can include these little posts about him because I don't want to forget that he pulls my hair and face to get me close to his to give me kisses, and that he fake laughs when I laugh just to be in on the joke or that he shakes his head no no no and then smiles at himself and does it again.  It is all so worth remembering.  

 The photo below is his model pose.  Probably only a photo a mother could love.

 Those eyes melt me....

 So thoughtful above and so excited to show mommy and daddy below.  

My baby boy is 6 months old!

by Whitney Bird in , , ,

Everyone always says, "Enjoy them while they are little because they don't stay little for long."  How true that is.  There were so many nap times in those early days where I thought to myself, you really should lay him down and go take a nap yourself.  Most of the time, I just kept on cuddling my little newborn, trying to memorize all of him.  His smell, his cute little "Bird" mouth, the sleepy smiles and sounds.  Even though I tried my hardest to enjoy those moments, and be in that moment with Paxson, it still feels so long ago, and like such a haze.  Some of it is probably because I was exhausted.  But, it really does go by so fast, and before you know it, you have a slobbery, loud mouthed, rolly, giggly, baby who resembles that newborn, but is becoming such a little person.  It is amazing the growth both physically, and developmentally that takes place those first 6 months.  Looking back at photos, I am still astounded at how much Paxson has grown and changed.

It is such a bittersweet feeling watching your baby grow.  I feel so grateful for each milestone reached, and yet at the same time, there is a small ache at the realization that Paxson won't stay little for long.  I think part of it is because I have enjoyed and loved Paxson so much at every age, and it is hard to let go of that age.  Sometimes it is definitely trading up, and that has mainly been the case, but I also know he will reach ages that are difficult for me as a parent.  He won't always want me to hold him, he soon won't fall asleep on my shoulder, or giggle during peek-a-boo.  It makes me sad to think about, but I try to think about how fun that next age will be, and how awesome it is to watch him learn new things, and become his own person.  So during the sleepless nights, (because Paxson has been an awful sleeper lately) I try to cuddle my baby at 2am,  and remind myself that this too shall pass.  It won't be long before I'm longing for those late night nursing sessions, and for the baby that wakes up needing his mama.  

Now for 6 months worth of photos crammed into one post...

This is one of the first Photos taken of my son.  I had my camera ready in the delivery room for my sister to snap a few photos of our first moments together.  I am so thankful for these photos even though most of them won't be shared on here (or anywhere) as my nurse was getting ready for the "baby crawl" so my boob makes an appearance in most of them.  

This is one of the first photos I took of Paxson.  It was after he was bathed, and we were still in the delivery room.  The nurse must have thought I was crazy as it was 2 am, only a few hours after Pax was born, and here I was snapping photos.  

The day after he was born.  His skin looks yellow in this photo because it was yellow.  He was a little jaundiced because he was early.

Snuggled with daddy the morning of the day we went home.  So much hair!

One of my favorites.  He was just a few days old, and the weather was nice enough to be outside so we did a few family photos.

5 days old

8 days old-Paxson's birth announcement.

2 weeks old

 Another at two weeks.  One of my faves!

About a month old during our Christmas card photos

Christmas card photo

 The next three are from his 3 month old shoot

With his auntie at 3 and a half months.

 At almost 4 months old for his Valentine's Day cards.

With mom on Valentine's Day

 At 5 and a half months old.  

 I have taken so many photos of my little man, but these are just some of my favorites. Maybe sometime I will share some of my phone photos as I have a ton of those as well.  I will hopefully be taking his 6 month photos this weekend weather permitting as I am dying to shoot him outside.  Fingers crossed it gets done!  

3 months old

by Whitney Bird in , ,

Paxson is 3 months old!!!  Actually he was 3 months and a week when I took these yesterday, but I'm calling these his 3 month photos.  They were all shot in his nursery.  We moved him out of his bassinet in our room and into his crib a week ago, and although it was a little tough, harder on me than on him probably, I actually am getting much more sleep!  The whole sleep training thing was very necessary as Pax was starting to hate his co-sleeper, and only want to sleep while being held.  In my quest to get just a little bit more sleep, and nurse him in my bed, we were creating a little monster.  I know a lot of parents that co-sleep, some love it, some wish they never started.  I knew I would never love it, and that I would never get any sleep.  I am a light sleeper as is, and it was time to get my bedroom back.  However now that Paxson is out of our room, Penny has reclaimed her place in our bed.  Most nights she ends up right between Kevin and I's heads.  Early this morning after feeding Pax, I came back to bed and she was sleeping in my spot with her pillow on my head.  (just re-read that and couldn't bring myself to fix it-still a little sleep deprived)  She is actually getting over some of her jealousy issues with Paxson, and she is starting to want to play with him and be around him.  She hates when he cries, and she has started howling when he really gets going.  I don't know if this his her way to alert me even though I am well aware of the screaming baby, or if she is just howling to commiserate with him.  Regardless it gets a little loud in the ole Bird house at times.

Anyways, Paxson is really enjoying his nursery which makes me one very happy Mama.  I read during my pregnancy that babies like bright colors, and that it is good for their developing brains which is why his nursery isn't just aqua and grey. (my original plan)  He seems to like the colors, and I can even lay him in his crib and he will happily chat with himself while I do laundry.  

Since I haven't posted much about Pax lately this is my chance to check in...Paxson does not sleep through the night, but we are getting closer.  He isn't waking every two hours anymore, and I am actually getting him on a nap and bedtime schedule!  The boy LOVES to eat!  I love nursing, and I am thankful that I am able to nurse, but it is way more work than I thought it would be.  It is a huge commitment, and I feel like no one ever tells you that before you have the baby.  Or maybe they do, and I just didn't get it.  You do save money doing it, but the time you put into it outweighs the savings.  All that being said though, it is still the only way I would have it.  I really do love that time I get with him, and it has gotten easier.  One thing I worried about was how having a baby would affect our marriage.  Well obviously it completely, 100% changes your marriage, but for us it has been for the better.  There is nothing better than watching your spouse transform into a parent.  My heart swells every time I see Paxson and his Daddy playing or cuddling together.  Paxson looks so much like his dad and I can see Kevin's personality in him as well.  We don't get much alone time together, but we do spend much more time together, it is just as a family now.  We both get excited when Paxson does something new, or makes a new face or sound, and sharing in Paxson has brought us much closer together. 

Our house always feels like it needs cleaning, and there is always a pile of laundry to do, and toys are starting to take over the living room, but being a parent is so truly wonderful.  I am enjoying being a mommy, and other parts of life are just having to take a back seat right now.  I do plan on being a better blogger now that I seem to have him on a schedule.  Most of my posts will continue to be Paxson oriented with the occasional sneak peek so hopefully you like photos of a cute baby :)

Oh how I love those chubby thighs

 Smiling at his daddy

He is really into his hands and trying to put his whole fist in his mouth

 These two close-ups are probably photos only a mommy could love.  Tummy time is a lot of work