So it has been a minute since I’ve blogged. To be honest, I just burnt out on it. I have been sharing sneak peeks on this blog for 10 years. I also got a little OCD about it and felt like I HAD to blog every session. Then a couple years ago, switched to doing every wedding, and just a handful of sessions. BUT, sharing sneak peeks is not what I love about blogging. Facebook and Instagram are great for that, and yes, sharing my work on this blog is important, but I am coming to realize that the writing part of blogging is what drew me to it all those years ago. So I am working on getting back to that. I have a list of things that I am dying to write about, and a lot of it is photography related. Some of it, not so much, and I am aiming to get back to this practice which really is something I enjoy.
Today however is not the day for deep thoughts…It is Friday after all. I did want to share some images that I am genuinely excited about. I reached out to Hunter early this year to see if she would want to collaborate. She shares beautiful photos of herself on her social media and really showcases Western Fashion. I really wanted to shoot something just because I wanted to, and she was game. It was actually a 40 degree day in January, and she provided the location, outfits, and that beautiful of hers. I just had to show up with my camera, and it was so FUN. It is so easy to put your head down, and do your work, and lucky for me work has been busy, but I also needed the reminder that it is ok to take photos of things that I want to take photos of.