So I know that there have not been many new photo posts lately, and I actually have a really great excuse for it. I have been shooting boudoir sessions for the past month, and I can't really share those sessions for two reasons-most of them are surprises, and boudoir photos are really very private in nature. I am hoping to talk a few ladies into letting me share a couple of their photos, however it is completely up to them so it just might not happen. (If you are interested in a boudoir shoot, I do have some photos I can share with you privately.) I feel very blessed with how popular the boudoir sessions were this Valentines day. I shot 7 sessions in the past 3 weeks, and since other than on my blog and facebook I didn't advertise them, I feel incredibly grateful that my beautiful clients referred their beautiful friends to me. I have wonderful clients, and I feel confident now that the boudoir side of my business will continue to grow because these women will continue to share their experience and their photos with their girlfriends. A referral is really the best compliment a photographer can get, and I am very thankful for them.
On another note, I feel a little guilty about my own Valentines day plans this year. I have been so busy working on accordian albums, and print orders for others, that my poor husband has taken a backseat this year. To be honest, I don't think he minds me not making today a big deal for once, and we will get to spend some time together tonight. However, it might just be a homecooked meal, with some cheap champagne and box made brownies. This doesn't mean I love you any less kb. There is no where I'd rather be then home after a busy weekend with my sweatheart eating brownies and drinking champagne. I love you Kevin-today and everyday!
Here is a little Valentines day card I made to share with you all this year. Please don't be too critical of the photo. It was shot using my camera's self timer in our family room in 5 minutes.