Josh and Justine-Smokin Hot and In Love

by Whitney Bird in

I absolutely love this couple. Justine and I worked together for years at 317, and I have nothing but awesome things to say about the girl. I was lucky enough to get to know Josh through Justine, and he is such a genuinely nice guy. Not only are these two incredibly good looking, (I mean seriously, they should probably be in their swimsuits on the cover of a fitness mag) they are also completely crazy about each other. Their chemistry is incredible. In every other shot they were either laughing hysterically at each other or kissing. Congrats you two. I couldn't be happier for you both.

The very handsome Jesse decided to pop in for a couple photos

I love Jesse's face in this photo

Remember that thing I mentioned about chemistry.....

Well hello gorgeous. Justine you are such a looker, and Josh isn't bad either :)

Oh and they are total bad asses too! I love the harley pics

Thanks Josh and Justine for the fun shoot! You two killed it :)